Monday, June 28, 2010
The Day of the Sad Bagle- June 27 and 28
On Saturday I ran all the way up skyline drive- yeah! Also I went to see the community theatre of alpine's production of damn yankeys with Patrick and Aaron. I love live theatre! I miss hanging out with my girls!! All my friends here are guys or are over 60 and its just a different type of interaction. I think I might go shoot some guns soon- never thought I would want to do that, but considering I'm probably the only one within a hundred mile radius who doesn't own a gun, its kinda making me want to at least give it a go.
I should be constructing a program right now- on Thursday nights I am going to be giving a presentation on the local insects and other invertebrates that can be found in the Davis Mountains. I have not started making this program yet. Tomorrow is the day! Today I am just going to relax. Still mad about the bagels.
17, 18, 19, 20 Dramatic Job Change
Big Bend Ranch 15 & 16
Desert. Everywhere desert. Never have I been anywhere more wild, untamed, unaltered in my life. There wasn't anyone within a 7 mile radius of me. Its not a place sane people go in the summer time. It was 108 degrees in the shade- and there was not shade except maybe a solitary cotton wood or overhanging canyon wall every half mile or so. The first day I hiked in about 4 or 5 miles down a creek bed- this was not an actual trail, just a creek bed the rangers said would be really nice- so I went. And guess what?!? Water! A tiny stream about a foot wide would gurgle up intermittently from the ground and pour down over smooth rock and form tiny waterfalls and clear pools. The canyon walls were beautiful, red and jagged- close together where the water was so at points I could almost touch both sides at once. I don't know how to describe the rugged beauty of the area or the miraculous appearance of water in this barren land. The hike was a scramble the whole way- over boulders and silty creek beds- at several points I sunk up to my knee in silt. Luckily- my hiking boots are awesome and were up for the challenge. I got to my turn around point by 5pm- it was a wax factory from the 1920's-they used the candelilla plant to make wax that was very important for water proofing military equipment. It was only 5 o'clock- so hot and still five hours of blazing sun to go- thank you summer solstice. there was no shade- so i set up camp and hung out in my tent- sweating profusely. It was the darkest night sky I think i've ever seen. Thousands of brilliant stars that came together in shapes in my head. Desert sounds at night, starry skies over head and it was finally cool enough to really enjoy- the hours from 3am to 6am were my favorites from the whole trip.
That day was so very very hot, I wanted to avoid hiking that late again the next day, so at the first sign of light I was up and getting ready for my journey. It was so nice outside, pleasantly warm, the outline of the mountains on the horizon slowly coming into focus. My pack was probably 10 pounds lighter from all the water I drank the day before and I made good time at the beginning of my hike- I stopped by an abandoned quicksilver mine- mercury. It was eerie, very eerie. Abandoned dilapidated buildings and dangerous looking, rusting machinery with lots of places for snakes to hide. I was very careful, but still- I was in rattle snake country big time- they are very common out there. I climbed up some run down stairs to where the actual mine shaft was- a few widely spaced bars covered a gigantic, cavernous pit to which there was no bottom to be seen. It was exhilarating and scary to peer over the edge into that chasm and think about the brave workers who would have gone down into those depths in search of treasure. Quicksilver was extremely prized and expensive- yet the workers all suffered mercury poisoning looking for this liquid gold- their teeth feel out and they died early deaths.
By 9:30 am there was no shade at it was 100 degrees out. For a while the trail winded its way between small mountains and threw canyons. I saw more lizards than I could count and like 7 giant yellow and brown millipedes. I watch some aoudad climb up a very steep mountain- audad are rams imported from the deserts of northern africa . Even the babies climbed stright up bare cliff faces like it was nothing. By 11:30 it was very hot and my pack was rubbing raw bruises on my hips. The trail became less like a trail and more like scattered stacks of rock every 100m or so across flat desert. I knew approximately where I was and in what direction I needed to be going. A few times I lost the trail, but kept going in the right direction and eventually met up with it again. Also at the end of my journey I didn't see the turn off to the road and kept going down a creek bed. Eventually I realized this and just decided to keep going and run into the road some where else. I was on my last nalgeen bottle after a while and was sore and hot so I hiked straight up the side of a mountain in order to get a good view of my surroundings and find the way to the car. I didn't find the car, but I found the road and took it up for about a mile to the car. Talk about an adventure- I had accidentally turned my 5 mile hike into a 9 mile hike. There are no words for how thankful I was to see my car and sit in the cool air-conditioning. I had survived 24 hours of desert.
Friday, June 25, 2010
So many things have happened, so many things... but I'm sleepy so I'm not gonna recall them all tonight- I want to give the full play-by-play and thats gonna take a while. For now, I'm just going to NOT go to a concert in Alpine (I really want to go but I've been stayin up late and am tired of being tired at work) but I'm staying home and watching a bad sci-fi flick and going to bed at a reasonable hour. Tomorrow I am going to a play in Alpine - community theatre of Damn Yankeys. Fun Fun. Peace Out!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Day 13 and 14
I am sooo excited! Gonna backpack all around that place. Today there was a rain storm in the desert. It was awesome and made my job super easy. Yesterday I went to Fiesta del Sol with a guy I met named Aaron. Its a fun, small town festival in Alpine where artists display their work and there is food and music. I had a really good time and the atmosphere was really pleasant. Today is my friday! Friday woo hoo!! I've been here 2 weeks, its gone by so fast, I'm not going to have time to do all the things I want to out here.
I really like driving big trucks. This disturbs me. Everyday I drive a big truck around and it just feels good... but also the gas mileage is really bad.
I killed a striped bark scorpion that was in my sink today and then I felt bad about it all day long. I've just been lazy lately and have been killing stuff instead of catching and releasing it as I should.
Happy Fathers Day Dad! Love you!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Day 12
Excitement [almost]. Today there was a fire started by some dry lightening on the other side of the mountain from the primitive camping area hiking trails. There was a guy hiking on that trail. A couple guys got in their 4 wheelers and drove up the mountain to find him and bring him down- I thought I was going to get to go up and maybe beat down some fire or something- but that didn't happen. We got the dude and the fire went out by itself before it got to us. It was pretty exciting. There is A LOT of dry lightening out here. 2 days a go I saw the biggest rainbow ever- it stretched all the way across the sky between 2 mountains- totally awesome- I went in to get my camera but the middle part had faded by the time I got back outside.
Last night I saw a giant desert milipede outside my duplex- it was like 8 inches long and really fat and it was orange and green colored- funkey! I haven't been recording all the wildlife I've seen out here. Saw a few cottontails today on my run and some more scorpions, there was a tarantula in my mop bucket the other day- it was kinda small and cute.
Today I painted a door and helped sand down parts of a bench we're making and only weedeated for like an hour- thank you lightening!Tomorrow there is a festival in a nearby town called Alpine that I'm going to go to after work- should be fun! There is also a play I want to see that is down there tomorrow night also. Fun fun fun.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Days 10 & 11
Yesterday they sprayed my house with chemicals to kill all the bugs. I may die five years early from a pesticide induced cancer but at least I won't have bugs flying on my face while I'm sleeping or wind scorpions on my pillow. Peace Out- gonna go for a late night swim.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
8 & 9
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Day 7
Day 6
Day 5
Animals: Last night I saw a pack of maybe 10 javalinas while I was taking a run through the camp sites. I also saw a grey fox run across the road. Today I saw 2 brown widows and a black widow.
I’m exhausted. Its 8:40 and I’m too tired to go up to the lodge and check my email like I should. I’m in my p.j.s and just going to lay back and read my book til I pass out. Fun Friday huh? I didn’t even know it was Friday til I got off work. If I were back in Austin right now I would probably be sleeping, but only to wake up at like 10 or 11 and go out and party.
I’m ready for my days off. I thought I was going to get to come in to work at 10 tomorrow and Sunday but that doesn’t look to be the case. 8 it is- blah! Each night I have woken up to bugs crawling on my body, and I’ve just brushed them off and gone back to sleep- now that I’ve seen the black widow I’m a bit more worried.
I thought of a project I’m going to ask and see if I can do. In the interpretative center is a stuffed animal display with just a white wall behind it… I think it would be so cool to paint a mural behind all the animals of one of the mountains up here, and paint some of the cactus in the area and all that.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Day 4
I'm off on Mondays and Tuesdays for when people plan their visits to come visit me
Day 3
Saw a javalina today. The fireflies out here glow green not yellow. I got a radio and a hat today- like a real ranger badass! Did about 45 minutes of work in my 8 hour day. Did learn how to use and re-string a weed wacker today and helped fix a grasshopper. Spent the morning cleaning restrooms and walking the trails picking up trash. Spent the afternoon watching the clouds come in over the mountain… stopping work to wait for it to rain so we could stop working. After work I hung out with J.J. and Pete at J.J.’s house. It was really fun. J.J. lives in town, he’s got a wife (Jennifer) and a 17 month old baby girl who is adorable. They’ve got chickens and a goose and ducks and a horse and cats- I like their house. Everyone was very friendly. We just sat outside and talked, I watched that little angle run around, other people slowly gathered too- Stetson and Gabriel and Tony and John and some other dude. Country people, wearing blue jeans covered in dirt with the explanation that “they’ve been on the mountain all day”.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Day 2
I spent the morning goofin' around with the park rangers and park hosts- I was supposed to be doing paperwork but Maria was busy so I just chatted up the other rangers for a few hours. Jeff brought in some damn good pound cake. The hosts and all the rangers are very nice, knowledgeable people who like to laugh and talk trash about the new computer system which will (apparently) bring doom to us all. I spent the rest of the day drivin around the park in a truck with a Park Ranger II named Pete who I am going to be helping out. He's a cool, younger guy and he showed me all the sites and all the day to day activities that are done around the park- patrolling, checking water sanitation, checking camp sites building trails and things. We looked for arrow heads out in the creek bed across from the park- found some cool pieces of flint but no arrow heads yet.
Shout out to the public library system! Holla! Went to town today to use the wireless at a coffee shop I saw coming in, but it closed at 3pm, apparently everything closes at 3pm in Ft. Davis- except the library which is open until 6. I went in at 5:50 and they were so nice, they let me in and set me up with a library card and helped me check out a dvd- really really nice people there.
Animals I saw today: Mule deer, tarantula, squirrels.
I guess thats it for now.
Day 1
Food: I went into town, (
Stuff: Tomorrow I start my job at 8 am. I am nervous and excited. I met my boss today, she lives in the other side of the duplex. I went for a run along the park road somewhere in the day as well and meet a really spunky older lady who works at park headquarters names Jeannie B- I think she and I will have a lot of fun together. There are a billion other tings I want to say, but this is it for now- I’ve got to do dishes and unpack and try to get to sleep a little earlier tonight. Its been one day and a really enjoy living along. I hope I continue to love it.
Day 0
Blog blog blog blog!
Hurray! My first time ever bloggin it up! Whasup y’all? You must be extremely bored if you are reading my blog- awesome! I am super excited about this, and about everything!
The low down: If you don’t already know…. I am serving a 10 week Park Ranger internship at
Got in last night as the sun was setting, soooo beautiful! (pictures to come!) West Texas some of the most beautiful scenery I have ever seen, jagged red rock formations jutting out along winding roads, all varieties of cactus blooming in the flat expanses. It was 104˚ while we were driving up I10. My house is freakin huge! It’s a 2 bedroom duplex at the park itself. Its got a tiny window a.c. unit that air conditions the whole place. Its nice, totally empty though- I didn’t bring hardly anything- I would love some company to help me fill up the empty space. There are a lot of bugs in here right now- large bugs- I’ve been scoopin ‘em out the door every time I find em but I’m pretty sure I’m just letting more in.