Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day 5

Best day so far! I learned how to drive a tractor and I spent all day with Pete driving the tractor down the creek bed picking up large flat rocks for a path we’re going to build. 4 wheeling it out there was scary and exhilarating. I kinda scratched up the truck a little bit- I hope its not a big deal.

Animals: Last night I saw a pack of maybe 10 javalinas while I was taking a run through the camp sites. I also saw a grey fox run across the road. Today I saw 2 brown widows and a black widow.

I’m exhausted. Its 8:40 and I’m too tired to go up to the lodge and check my email like I should. I’m in my p.j.s and just going to lay back and read my book til I pass out. Fun Friday huh? I didn’t even know it was Friday til I got off work. If I were back in Austin right now I would probably be sleeping, but only to wake up at like 10 or 11 and go out and party.

I’m ready for my days off. I thought I was going to get to come in to work at 10 tomorrow and Sunday but that doesn’t look to be the case. 8 it is- blah! Each night I have woken up to bugs crawling on my body, and I’ve just brushed them off and gone back to sleep- now that I’ve seen the black widow I’m a bit more worried.

I thought of a project I’m going to ask and see if I can do. In the interpretative center is a stuffed animal display with just a white wall behind it… I think it would be so cool to paint a mural behind all the animals of one of the mountains up here, and paint some of the cactus in the area and all that.

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