Monday, June 28, 2010

The Day of the Sad Bagle- June 27 and 28

I went to the grocery 2 days ago and got 6 delicious sliced bagels. Today I am about to eat one and I see it is covered in mold! Noooooooooooo! My brand new bagels- sad sad sad. Other sad news- somebody is not coming to visit me this weekend... stinks. Understandable though- I have to work and it would suck to drive for 8 hours and me not be able to hang out the whole time. I ate lunch with Caleb and Aaron today at Cueva and then Caleb and I went to the dog park and played with his dog for a few hours. It was a very nice, relaxed day. I've been jamming my days with so much stuff its nice take it easy.

On Saturday I ran all the way up skyline drive- yeah! Also I went to see the community theatre of alpine's production of damn yankeys with Patrick and Aaron. I love live theatre! I miss hanging out with my girls!! All my friends here are guys or are over 60 and its just a different type of interaction. I think I might go shoot some guns soon- never thought I would want to do that, but considering I'm probably the only one within a hundred mile radius who doesn't own a gun, its kinda making me want to at least give it a go.

I should be constructing a program right now- on Thursday nights I am going to be giving a presentation on the local insects and other invertebrates that can be found in the Davis Mountains. I have not started making this program yet. Tomorrow is the day! Today I am just going to relax. Still mad about the bagels.

1 comment:

  1. i'm sorry boo! i'll be heading your way for sure in the the coming weeks! i love and miss you like crazy.
